Christopher Caswell

Digital Entomologist


I'm a software engineer expecting a certificate from Holberton in June of 2022. I am actively looking for a challenging role in the software engineering industry to put the skills I have acquired to use and to generate more.

AR/VR, UI/UX Developer

The lad you see in front of you has a myriad of real world experiences that make him a great fit for a culture of communication and/or collaboration. He has consistently placed himself into a group role to assume responsibility for completion and team direction; a man who knows the best leaders are team compellers, not team pushers.
His work experiences have been in logistics and process limitation, leading to an interest in Six Sigma principles. If you're looking for someone to have a background in shrink and process minimalism (understanding his role as a developer) and a love for the big picture, this is your guy. The educational pursuits for which Christopher is headed are in the field of computer science, regarding securities, web infrastructure, and AI.



Christopher Caswell

Analytical, outside thinker with experience automating and simplifying systems in real world spaces as well as digital.

  • Tulsa, OK. United States
  • (405) 512 4995


Certificate in Software Development


Holberton School, Tulsa

C Language, Linux Ubuntu:
- Implemented multiple sorting algorithms (Heap, Merge, Quick)
- Built a replication of the printf() function
- Created a CLI in a Linux environment

Python3, Linux Ubuntu:
- Test-driven full stack Airbnb web application clone running on three Amazon EC2 instances (1 load balancer, 2 applications servers with a replication/master database setup) using NGINX as a web server and gunicorn as the application server. (Technologies used: Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, jQuery, MySQL, Linux)

C# and Unity Engine:
- Created a 3d game implementing sound, animation, modeling.
- Created a business card with Vuforia, utilizing tween libraries and manual animations

Professional Experience

My general use resume, as of 03/17/2022


A few of the projects that have led me to the understanding I have of programming and software today

Find Me

Any of the assortment of numbers and letters that can be used to contact me